Monthly Archives: February 2013

¡Mi primero carnaval!

El sabado fui a mi primero Carnaval con dos amigas y ha sido genial. Mi profesora me ha dicho que  carnaval viene de dos palabras “carne” y “vale” . Es porque en tiempos pasado  los catolicos hacían  una fiesta antes de hacer el ayuno de Pascua. Y durante este tiempo ellos no podian comer carne o beber alcohol  y hacer fiestas. Entonces mi amiga Viviana que es Coreana me invitó con Coral una otre chica de China a Madrid para ver el desfile y los fuegos artificiales. Fuimos tambien al Retiro antes del desfile. ¡ El dia fue genial!




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My inspiration for this month :)

I have been inspired this month by African people like me who are making a difference and enjoying themselves as they are doing that. The first time I heard about Chimamanda Adichie it was through a magazine editorial that described her life story and her sucess as an author. Her most famous book is ‘Purple Hibiscus’ which I have not yet read but will be reading soon as soon as I get a copy. What I love about her is that she is a young African woman, she expresses herself so eloquently in english and she represents the new African generation; young people who are learned and who are creating a different image of Africa to the world.

Another great guy that is inspirational is Chef  Marcus Samuelsson. He is of Ethiopian descent but was adopted by Swedish parents. He explains how all those experiences shape his dishes and how every stumbling block was a blessing in disguise. His warmth, smile and even his dressingg style is contagious. He has gone from cooking in Michellin restaurants to cooking with Michelle Obama. How great is that?
